Funny SMS

CONGRATS.Your phone has been installed with a new puzzle game. To play,throw your phone against the wall.Then assemble the pieces..


Hello DEAR,Where R U Now.?No Visits.,No Calls..,No SMS from Wik,No Missed calls,I M So worried.Are U n JAIL again? Pls r e p l y !


Life is like a MOVIE.If u r sad-DRAMA,If u r afraid-SUSPENSE,If u r angry -ACTION, When u Luk at the mirror - HORROR,Now u r smilling - that’s COMEDY


I m getting married next month.. its small party and only few people will be invited.. dont bring any gift...just bring someone who ll marry me.


U R 100% beautiful,U R 100 per. lovely,U R 100 per.sweet,U R 100 per.nice, and U R 100 per. stupid to believe these words.


Why did God Create U before Me..? Ans: Bcause he wanted to Create a SAMPLE,Be4 Creating A *Master-Piece* He! He! He! Hu!! Hu!! Hey!! Hey!!


When you are alone,Whn u r crying,whn u r upset,Don’t think of me!!just call me Bcoz incoming is free for me. my friend


You are many kolometres away frm me.still i,m watching ur every move thru 3 different channels 1.pogo 2. cartoon network 3.animal planet


You are a nice person.but..U have to do 2 things early in the morning.1st. pray to God so that u can live.2nd.take a bath so that others can live.


A baby monkey asked his mother”Mom, why r we so ugly”???Mom said - Thank GOD we look like this, u should see the person reading this SMS ! ! !


AM I CUTE? TEST call if im cute miss call if im gorgeous Text back if im preety Text a joke if im charming Just ignore if ur jealous


The animals of a jungle have decided to hold a meeting. The lion has come, the tiger has come, the elephant has come, the monkey has come.. But The meeting hasn’t started. Guess why ? Because the Donkey is busy reading this SMS !


When I want 2 see the sky, I C U When I want 2 c the flowers I C U, when I want 2 c the moon I C U, so please get a side and clear my VIEW!


Don't give Importance 2 MONEY. Bcoz it Can giv Bed but nt SLEEP,Books but nt BRAINS,Cloth bt not BEAUTY, Luxuries bt not HAPPINES.So transfr it to My A/c.


Sincere apology: If u dont like any of my SMS and Dont like 2read, or if my msgs disturb u, thn plz dont hesitate, feel free to .. Throw ur mobile


The best way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget is once !!!


Scientist are trying to figure out how long a person can live without BRAIN ,Plzzz tell them ur age.....!!


We will now upgrade your brain, please wait....Searching....searching...still searching....sorry,NO BRAIN found...!


Conserve toilet paper, use both sides.


First the engagement ring, then the wedding ring, then the suffering.


My girl and me, we are so perfect, she loves me, and I love myself too...


I want to suck you... lick you... wanna move my tongue all over you...wanna feel you in my mouth...yep, tat's how an ice cream!


What is the difference between a woman and a magnet? Magnets have a positive side!
