Monday 3 January 2011

Love SMS



2 live a life
2 have a heartbeat
I need a HEART
2 have a heart
2 Have a happiness
I need YOU. !

With my
1 heart
2 eyes
7 Liter blood
217 bones
1.2 million red cells
60 trillion DNA''s...

How strange that ur love can as easily put a smile on my face,
As tears in my eyes !  

Loved you yesterday,
Love you still.
Always have,
Always will. 

Little keys can open big locks.
Simple words can express great thoughts.
A simple message to let you know
How much

Love to live...
Live to love...
Love me,
Live with ME ! 

It must have been a rainy day when U were born,
But it wasn't really rain,
The sky was crying bcoz it lost his most beautiful angel...!

Can U C me ?
No ?
Turn around,
Can U C me now?
No ?
Turn again.
Can U C me now?
I can C U bcoz U have a special place in my heart !


Just bcoz u got this SMS U think some one loves U
Huh ?
Well no 1 loves U;
No 1 think abt U ;
No 1 cares 4 U;
No 1 remembers U

Love is the warmth that fills my heart whenever i see your face,
It's the comfort i find in the circle of your embrace !

The SPACES between ur FINGERS were created so that another person's fingers would fill them in...
Hope u found the hand that u r meant 2 hold on 4ever...
Will u try MINE ? 

I love u as big as the sky,
As tall as the mountains and as deep as the ocean.

Petals by petals and leaf by leaf
That's how a tiny bud
Becomes a beautiful rose.
Word by word and kiss by kiss
That's the way true love grows...
N joy ur V day ! 

You are like a cycle...
You make my journey of life smooth ride...
Moving forward 2gether taking the rough with the smooth,
You help me keep my balance an gave me new confidence.
Happy valentine's day !  

When u feel alone just look at the space between your fingers. Remember, in those spaces you can see my fingers locked with your fingers forever. 

If you cud be a part of my body, i'd let you be my heart for i want you to be the most important, be the center of all my emotions and be the last 1 to stop wen it's tym for me to "GO". .  

If love is water, I'll give u the ocean. If kisses are spaces, I'll give u the universe... If heat was your love and care, how I wish the sun was beside me... 

If the people we love are stolen away from us the only way to have them live on is to never stop lovin'them. Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever...

I don't wanna feel the way that I do, I just wanna be right here with you, I don't wanna see, see us apart, I just wanna say straight from my heart I miss you 

I miss you so, here around me, so many people, but yet so alone. I miss your lips, your lovely smile, I miss you each day more and more!  

I know its wrong 4 me 2 fall 4 u, but i cant get through it and if choosing ryt means letting u go...then let me be wrong 4ever... 

I would like to be a tear, born in your eyes, alive passing your cheeks and dieing on your lips. 

The day that I'll die, when death replaces birth, I'll recognize angels' faces, 'cus I live with one on earth.. 

There are a lot of birds wispering only about you, you should once listen to them, then you would know how much I love you.

There is somebody in the world. Diferent from the rest. The sweetest person I know. That is why I love you so. 

I feel something in my heart, it's like a little flame, every time I see you, this flame lights up, this flame is special for you, because I LOVE YOU!. 

I may seldom tell u how special u are, i may not be able to reach u coz we're both busy, but inspite of all, u know u are someone i really miss and care about.  

I love three things: the sun, the moon and you, the sun for the day, the moon for the night and you forever. 

I hope that you finally understand, that I will love you untill the end, because your not just my girl, you are also my best friend!  

Love is hard and will always be, but remember somebody loves you and that one is ME ! 

Last night while thinking of u, my one Tear rolled out. I ask y r u out? Tear replied, there is some1 so b'ful inside, so there is no place for me!  

Call me when u r sad, call me ven u need sum1 2listen and ven u cant find anyone who will? I dont care I'm ur last option, I just dont want to cry alone! 

Don't go 4looks; they can decieve. Don't go 4wealth even dey fades away. Go 4sum1 who makes u smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. Hope u find the one who makes u smile!  

When u feel alone just look at the space between your fingers. Remember, in those spaces you can see my fingers locked with your fingers forever. 

If love is water, I'll give u the ocean. If kisses are spaces, I'll give u the universe... If heat was your love and care, how I wish the sun was beside me... 

I am in hospital now. After 5 minutes, I will be transferred to a surgery room. The doctor told me, I will die if I stop RECEIVING YOUR SMS. 

You must be a good runner because you are always running in my mind, you must be a good thief because you have stolen my heart, and i am always a bad shooter because I Miss You Always... 

I m feeling so happy, do u know why? cuz i m so lucky, do u know how? cuz God loves me.Do u know how? cuz he gave me a gift. Do u know what? its YOU my love. 

When time comes for u to give ur heart to someone, make sure u select someone who will never break ur heart, cuz broken hearts has never spare parts. 

Hello!! What's wrong with your mobile?Tried so many times but Every time I call it says: The subscriber your are trying to reach is in your heart! 

Your doctor's advice: Drink more water, take vitamins, sleep early, always relax...but keep on texting me! 

ALL THE TIME-Good time,bad time,night time,day time,work time,off time,sad time,happy time,in the mean time i'm thinking of you all the time 

An important element of friendship is communication, and that's the reason why my fingers are still pressing the keys on my phone. Because I don't want to cut the line that connects US. 

NOBODY likes U, NOBODY cares for U, NOBODY misses U, NOBODY wants to see U good, NOBODY is Ur best friend, NOBODY is happy with U, ...Dont cry!!! My name is NOBODY. 

Once Upon a Time, Something happened to me. It was the sweetest thing that ever could be. It was a fantasy, a dream come true it was the day I met you. 

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